Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dinosaur 13

On day 1 I worked on the large Jane jacket. For my whole two hours of work I only found two new bones. It's days like that where I really think about the fact that I'm looking at bones that haven't been seen in millions of years, and better yet haven't ever been seen by human beings. That's a really cool feeling to have! And it means a lot to me that I get to have the opportunity to be able to have that experience.

Also over the weekend I got to meet paleontologist Peter Larson and see the new film Dinosaur 13. The film was about him and the discovery of Sue, the largest and most complete T-Rex ever found. The story included a very long court battle, and it really made me think about how much a specimen can mean to the people that discover it. Those people who had the same feeling that I have, that they're the first human being ever to see this amazing beast since its life millions of years ago.

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