Monday, April 27, 2015

Caliche/Bone Masses

     Last week I got to go work in the lab for 2 1/4 hours. It was a pretty quiet day and I got the lab to myself for most of it. I was back on the air scribe because I decided that's what I need to use to clean the bones first. I ended up working on a couple different Jane bones. These proved to be particularly complicated for me because they have a decent amount of caliche and are different pieces of bones in big clumps. Both are vertebrae, but they're both exploded, shuffled around, and then caliche covered. This makes cleaning super difficult because the pieces are everywhere, and I have to work carefully since I have no idea where bone might show up. This definitely means it takes longer to clean the bones, but it's important so nothing is destroyed. I also worked on one other piece of Jane bone. Below are some picture of these caliche bone masses.

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